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Mustard Cake Fertilizer – Organic Fertilizer For Plant Growth and Healthy Roots

 449 1,999

Mustard Cake Fertilizer is an organic fertilizer that promotes healthy plant growth and strong root development, look no further than Mustard Cake Fertilizer. Made from the crushed seeds of the mustard plant, this fertilizer is an excellent source of nutrients that are essential for plant growth.

Neem Cake Fertilizer – Organic Soil Fertilizer For Plants (100% Organic) 1-5 Kg Pack

 449 1,999

Neem Cake Fertilizer! This organic soil amendment is made from the residual matter of the neem tree and is packed with vital nutrients that will help your plants grow strong and healthy.

One of the standout features of Neem Cake Fertilizer is its natural pest-repelling abilities. Neem Cake Fertilizer also improves soil health by adding organic matter and promoting microbial activity. The result is improved soil structure, better water retention, and an environment perfect for plant growth.

Westland Bone Meal With Free Gift – Organic Soil Fertilizer For Plants – Organic Fertilizer

 449 1,949

Bone meal is a popular fertilizer that provides plants with essential nutrients, including phosphorus and calcium. These two elements are critical for strong root development, flower and fruit production, and overall plant health.

Westland Fish Blood Bone Meal Fertilizer With Free Gift – Organic Soil Fertilizer For Plants

 499 2,300

Fish Blood Bone Meal Fertilizer is a premium, all-natural solution for providing essential nutrients to plants. Made from the bones and blood of fish, this fertilizer is a rich source of phosphorous, calcium, and nitrogen. Which are critical components of plant growth and health.

Westland Vermicompost Fertilizer With Free Gift – Organic Fertilizer For Plant (Imported Fertilizer)

 399 1,499

Vermicompost is a premium, all-natural fertilizer made from compost created by earthworms. This rich organic fertilizer contains essential nutrients and minerals that promote healthy plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.